Wednesday, September 2, 2009

End of summer 2009

Hard to believe the end of summer is really here! The kids and I will be back to school this week! We spent the last couple weeks making the best of the time we had left. We spent one weekend around the house cleaning up the garage and the kids went fishing with Austin and Grandpa. Then one day after swim lesson we meet the Marcele's at Wild Waves and then I took them on a trip to Northwest Trek later that week. All while we were still going to swim lessons in the morning and soccer practices in the evening! Kendall and Logan learned so much at swimming this year Kendall advanced 2 levels! Kendall is playing soccer with Kara and enjoying it. Logan just started and is on a team with Sydney Kowalchuk and Kennedy Cypher and we are so lucky because Sarah Cypher is the coach! We also took our last camping trip of the season to Potholes Washington with the Marecle's and Earle's. What a great time! All the kids play so well and the adults get to chill a little while the kids run wild. The kids had a ball at the playground, on their bikes/scooters, in the pool on the slip n slide and just generally running around. They had a great time with the boys out in the boat fishing too! We are looking forward to the camping season next year!