We finally made it to the last day of school for Kendall and myself! I worked Monday and Tuesday and then Wednesday Kendall was dismissed at 11:10am. Monday Kendall had an assembly were she was given an AR (Accelerator Reader) Award. I am so proud of her she has read over 80 books this year- that she could take AR tests for she has actually read more than 80, but I am just amazed at how she loves reading and how she has taken off!
Sorry the pics are dark, bad lighting in the gym and I was in my classroom teaching, so I asked a staff member to take them for me- better than nothing :0)
Tuesday, Kendall had field day. The weather was yucky and cold, but the kids still had a great time! Again I was working so only got one picture.
The last day of school there was an all school assembly. Kendall's class sang "I am bring home a baby bumble bee" The Fisher/Brown DHH class signed the song "You've got a friend in me" All the classes performed something and the staff all preformed surfing USA.
It was a great way to end the year! Austin showed up at 11:30 to help clean out my classroom, turned in my keys and we are officially on break- for me that will be an extended on as I will be staying home next year, but Kendall will head to Firgrove in the fall. Thanks to Lakeland and Mrs. Redman for a wonderful year!
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