Kendall has been on the waiting list this school year, in hopes of getting into the Co-op. Well thankfully she is in for her second grade year! This is a huge relief for both of us. She has done great this year in Federal Way with Mrs. Redman, and I would love for her to stay at Lakeland, but since I won't be working next year she will need to come to her home district- Puyallup. So, that would of meant making all new friends at our home school of Woodland.

Going to Firgrove means she will be in the same school as a little girl she went to daycare with-Ella Jones, and two of the Kowolchuk's, not to mention we meet her teacher and several kids in her class at the BBQ held Friday night. She will also be in the same class as a little boy who is on Logan's T-ball team too!

I have heard nothing but amazing things of her teacher for next year, am really excited about the Co-op philosophy and the opportunities to volunteer, so we are looking forward to next school year with a little less anxiety. Not that it will be easy to say goodbye to Lakeland and the wonderful people and friends we have made, but at least we know where she is heading and Logan and Avery too, since all the siblings get in automatically! We are looking forward to a great school year, now we just have to finish up this one!
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