Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010- we were so incredibly blessed!  To start the kids actually slept in until 7am when we were woke up by the Hobson's and the Grandparent Fisher's.  The excitement started with looking over the Santa gifts and then hitting the stockings. Then the paper went flying and the kids were just down right giddy! The kids received just what they had asked Santa for- Kendall asked for the Barbie Vacation House, Logan asked for the Trio Batcave and Avery asked for a Baby Elmo. Stockings were filled with DVD's, flashlights, underwear, an orange and candy! The girls even had nail polish while Logan had some Lego Star Wars Magnets. Every year I say I am not going to buy that much and really I was good this year considering half of the Christmas budget went to Austin and I's gift- the new TV hanging on the wall yet the kids had a lot of gifts!  After all the gifts we had breakfast, then Grandma Spencer arrived with more gifts! The kids were so excited to play with everything and it was really nice to have a chance to clean up and relax.  Then we headed over to Grandma Marilyn's for Christmas dinner and you guessed it more gifts!  All in all it was an amazing Christmas filled with blessings and family!