On Saturday after Kendall's last soccer game it was time to put the scheme in motion. Grandpa was to head down to Cabela's with Austin, Logan and Chris for some male bonding time and to spend our b-day gift to him of a gift card. While us girls headed up to his house to meet everyone for the big surprise birthday party! It really couldn't be that much of a surprise since parking is limited and according to Austin when he turned the corner and saw all the cars he knew he was in for it, so much so he sent Logan in through the door first and Logan didn't know what to think when he saw all the people and the lights out. At any rate Doug was thrown a party for his 60th birthday complete with his gift of a SPEEDO! This was an inside joke amongst his friends that tend to go to Hawaii together every couple of years. One year they saw a guy in a Speedo on the beach who was older and Doug made the comment that he could wear that at 60, well thanks to the Gagnier's he will get that opportunity! Happy Birthday Grandpa Fisher-We love ya!

Coming through the door
Hugs for Grandma Marilyn and Carol
Jimmy and Greg
The Cake done by Trish
Even the food reminded him of his age :0)
This was the girls before the boys came back, Kendall was reading to Grandma Marilyn and Avery
Greg playing with my camera
Lots of family and friends
It was a party I think there were at least 60 people there too
Opening gifts
The Speedo
Happy 60th Birthday!
Cheryl sharing the speedo story
Doug realizing he may actually have to wear it in Mexico this December!
Avery hamming it up with Linda
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