It is hard to believe how fast the last 2 years have flown by. Our baby is no longer a baby and now a toddler! It comes with mixed emotions, happy to say goodbye to bottles, high chairs and diapers, but sad that she is already wanting to do everything herself! At any rate we were so happy to celebrate this milestone! So on her official birthday June 23rd as a family it was Avery's day! We started the morning with Daddy going to work late so he could have breakfast and gifts with us. Then the kids spent most of the days playing with the gifts, then it was dinner at IHOP! Avery and Logan love pancakes and could eat them for every meal so pancakes for dinner it was. Then we headed to the supermall for a blizzard dessert and a ride on the carousel to top off the evening. Still amazed my "Mona" is officially 2 years old!
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