Ok, so the kids go to the allergist every October for annual check-ups. They do some skin testing for the food allergies get flu shots if they don't react to bad and new perscriptions. Well this is the first year that instead of one kid I have two. Both Avery and Logan are allergic to Eggs and Nuts. The eggs is already getting better in Logan and most likely they both will out grow the eggs- YEAH! The nuts is probably a forever kind of thing--Sooooo every year I have to fill perscriptions for Epi-pens and weed out the expired ones. During Thankgsgiving I rounded up the pens and didn't think anything of it until someone pointed out the large quatities of adrenaline sitting on the counter, so I had to take a picture. Crazier is that this is not all of them- There are at least 8 more at Daycare, School and my purse!
Seattle Reign
10 years ago
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