Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mid November 09

Well since we went to Hawaii it feels like November has flown by. Before we left Kendall had her last practice and it was under the lights at Franklin's Pierce's High School Stadium. Pretty cool for the girls to get to play at night and on such a big field, however the weather was unkind and it rained a ton. The girls didn't care! Then while we were gone Kendall had her last soccer game, so no pics of that. She did well though a scored 3 times! They are not suppose to keep score at her age, but when I asked about the game she made sure to tell me that "they won!" The weekend after we were back was the Pizza weekend! We went to Logan's last game and then to Pizza Hut for his awards get together. He liked soccer and loves his trophy. Sarah Cypher did an amazing job as a coach and it was nice for him to play with some kids he knew already- Kennedy and Sydney. After Logan's party I took Kendall to her new friend, Maddison's birthday party. It was the longest party ever, for me anyways! The kids skated for 2 full hours before they went into the party room to eat pizza, cake/ice-cream and open gifts! Yes we had pizza again. It was pretty interesting to see the girls interactions, unfortunately it is clear that clicks exist even in first grade! Kendall did pretty good on the skates after I went out with her the first half hour, after that she did pretty well. Then on Sunday we had Kendall's soccer party at the Tacoma Soccer Club. All the kids had a chance to play the parent's and just run around on the indoor field, then you guessed it Pizza for dinner and then awards. Kendall coaches- Stephanie and Heidi were wonderful too. The families were nice and most of the girls will get to play basketball together with Jamin as the coach- Who-hoo! I am trying to warm-up to the organized sports. Well this last week I have been cooking up a storm, prepping for Thanksgiving and my class had a mini-feast as well were they prepared the majority of the food. I was technically off on Wednesday so Linda finished up the feast with the kids and Avery and I stopped in to eat. Great food! Avery loved it!