Hard to believe so much of the summer is over already, but we are doing our best to enjoy the time off and beautiful weather! We spent this last week getting ready to head out on our first camping trip of the season! We tried to go bowling with the Cypher's but that didn't work out as they were full but we made the most of it by heading to the park. We had planned on going to Wild Waves too, but daddy was home later than he thought he would be and Wild Waves closes at 7pm on the weekdays so just didn't have the time. Well the big news of the week was my phone call from the pediatrician who shared with me that Avery is allergic to Peanuts, Eggs, Soy, dogs and cats!!
Seriously!!!Apparrently part of God's plan for me is to be the spokesperson for food allergies as I now have two out of three kids with them and I get to pack at least 3 epi-pens and Benedryl with me all the time! Crazy! At Avery's one year well baby we decided to have some blood taken just to be on the safe side since the MMR shot is Egg based and Logan is allergic to eggs. Not the results I was hopping for, but at least I know where we go from here.
Then it was Friday and time to head to Mossyrock! We joined the Earle's, Cypher's and Marecle's for the trip. That came to a total of 8 adults, 12 kids and 6 dogs. It was a great time, of course with the occasional set back. We arrived to the only campspot covered in Peanuts! The previous people had been eating them around the fire pit and the shells and nuts were every where. Thankfully the playground and most of our friends were already set up that the kids just played while I cleaned up the nuts! Camp went up pretty quick the first time around and from then on out it was campfires, playgrounds, beach time, boating and spending some great time with friends. It is great to see all the kids personalities come out and they all really do get a long well. Kendall's favorite part was going tubing in the Earle's boat and Logan said "his favorite was playing with the yellow sword!"- Thanks Jaden! Of course there is always something that happens- the dogs destroyed the screen on the door when they unzipped there kennel while we were at the beach and then when we cleaning up Avery tumbled out of the trailor scaring me half to death! All in all it was a successful maiden voyage and we are even more excited now to head to Banks Lake next! Happy Summer and thanks to all for the wonderful camping memories and let's do it again soon!